
Tell Me About Your Expectations

Tell Me About Your Expectations

1125 1977 Christy

Happy Valentine’s Day my friend!

The day of LOVE….ahhhh.

In 6th grade, I was in love with Russel Roberts. I thought he was just the cutest thing ever with his sweet smile and floppy brown hair that hid his chocolate brown eyes.

I was definitely in the “friend zone” for him, but I was sure that one of these days he would see me for the great beauty and love of his life that I was sure I was. Sigh.

I remember I found a Valentine’s gift to take to him on the BIG day…

I’m not sure why I thought giving him a pair of red heart boxers would be a good idea. But I wrapped them up and took them with me to school.

Thankfully, I chickened out at the last minute from giving them to him, so he never knew how crazy I was about him until we met at college and the tables had turned. Suddenly HE was the one wanting to pursue me. Ha! Ha!

It’s all about the expectations.

Whether it’s for Valentine’s Day or life, the way we set ourselves up – our expectations makes a big difference.

Do you have “realistic” or “unrealistic” expectations?

I’ve had this conversation multiple times with my girlfriend Jennifer.

She’s someone who naturally sets low or “realistic” expectations for herself so she is not disappointed.

I, on the other hand, routinely have rather high expectations, and sometimes I’m disappointed, but other times I’m delighted!

I believe there’s something bigger that happens when we hope for the best.

When we look and hope for the best, we’re setting ourselves up to find the good side of whatever happens.

When we expect the worst, many times, that’s what our brain finds.

So may I challenge you to look at the way you’re handling expectations in your life.

Are you looking for the best, or expecting the worst?

Whether it’s that Valentine’s “gift” you’re longing for, or the job opportunities that seem just out of reach, by setting your mind to look for the good, indeed, expect the good, your brain will do its best, to find it, no matter what the actual outcome.

Since it’s Valentine’s Day, I do want to say I love you! I’m thankful for you! And as always, I’m cheering you on,


Christy 🙂

P.S. If you need a last minute gift, I happen to have a ​cute pair of heart boxers​ for you! 🙂 Hee! Hee!