
Time for Something New?

Time for Something New?

1125 926 Christy

Happy Thursday and Greetings from the mountains of Tennessee!

My family and I are taking a little vacation from Texas and enjoying all the beauty of Tennessee.

While we are here we are visiting the Smokey Mountains, trying new restaurants and enjoying the cold weather.

We’re also contemplating the New Year and envisioning what we want this next year to look like.

Our daughter will be graduating college, our son entering his senior year of High School and we know that more quickly than we can imagine, it will be time for something new in our lives.

So I think this New Year is the perfect time to consider baby steps of trying something new.

Are you up for it?

Are you someone who seeks out new adventures and opportunities or someone who wants to stay where you are?

There’s really nothing wrong with the status quo…as long as it’s intentional!

If you’re staying still or treading water because you want to…good for you! Enjoy!

If you’re doing it because of fear of the unknown…well, I’ve got an encouragement for you.

Maybe this is the year you step out and try something new and fun.

–A new volunteer position.

–A new job.

–A new hobby (Pickleball anyone?).

–A new friendship.

–It could even be as simple as a new book.

The common denominator all these have is that these actions are moving you towards more of what will make your life fuller and richer. More of what you were put here on earth to do/be.

Let me encourage you to take the step this week. I promise, it will be worth it!

Cheering you on…with a southern twang,

Christy 🙂