
The Power of the Word Yet

The Power of the Word Yet

2560 1920 Christy

Happy Almost Christmas my friend!

Today I’m busy baking cookies to take to the neighbors. Thankfully I’ve got my Amelia home from college and helping me, so I’m in safe hands. (She actually FOLLOWS the recipes!) 🙂 Hee hee.

As we wind up our year, I wanted to address a powerful word you can use to help you finish strong and set a good intention for next year.

And that is the word “yet.”

As in, “I haven’t finished my book…yet.”


“I’m not at my goal weight…yet.”


“I haven’t started the remodeling project…yet.”

The power in that one little word is just amazing!

Instead of just thinking about what you haven’t done, or haven’t accomplished, or haven’t received, by adding the word yet, you tell your brain the story isn’t over.

Lord willing, we will all have time to let the “yet” work its magic.

Let’s look back at the above examples:

I haven’t finished my book yet,” tells my mind that it can keep working on the project and that it WILL be finished at some point. The story’s not over…yet.

“I’m not at my goal weight yet,” tells my mind to not give up. Go ahead and go for that walk, say no thanks to the cookie and put away the phone, and go to sleep. The story’s not over…yet.

“I haven’t started the remodeling project yet,” reminds me to keep it on the list. To look for ideas and make a budget and make note of the colors that I’m drawn to. The story’s not over…yet.

This year, maybe you can think of some things you thought you missed, or “failed” at and instead of giving up, you can add the word “yet” to the thought and see what happens.

You might be surprised at how your brain comes up with creative ways to move forward on those thoughts.

I can’t wait to see what good things emerge in your life because of it!

Love you and Cheering you on,

Christy 🙂

P.S. My book is finished and I’m working with a professional to help me get it formatted and listed on Amazon. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s available…hopefully before the end of the year!