
A Little Bit Every Day

A Little Bit Every Day

2560 1226 Christy

Happy Wednesday my friend!

August 14th I started my workout journey with a professional Pickleball trainer. (I know, it’s not a joke, it’s a real thing!)

My trainer,  Connor has been sending me workouts every morning via his app. The app includes examples of every exercise. How to do them, what repetition, what weight, and in what amount of time.

I follow the plan.

When I started, I could barely do 1 pushup on my knees (things had gotten BAD!), my knee hurt all the time, and the stretches he had me working on were, let’s just say, not performed to specification! 🙂 (Ahem.)


The good news is that after consistently working out 5 days a week, I’m really making progress.

I can do 5 strict pushups, 20 on my knees, squats with weights, 15 lb dumbbell curls, and a whole lot more, including those all important stretches.

Day by day I’m getting stronger, not to mention the cardio work we include as part of the plan.

I tell you this by way of encouragement.

Sometimes everything feels too overwhelming, and rather than do just a little bit, we just want to ignore it.

But if we take what I’m learning with this training, and apply it, we can all make a little progress each day.

Even during the holiday season.

–Got a project you’ve put off until January because you’re just too busy? Maybe set your timer for 10 minutes and see what you can get done.

–Want to plan your summer vacation, but you’re overwhelmed? Why not set your timer and take 15 minutes to explore travel websites for ideas?

–So tired you fall into bed every night, only to remember you never made time for exercise? Why not take a quick 30-minute walk after dinner rather than sitting on the sofa?

Often in life, change or improvement, or making our life better isn’t really as hard as we make it out to be.

Let me encourage you to take a baby step on something today. I promise it will be worth it!

Love you and cheering you on,

Christy 🙂