
1536 2048 Christy

Happy Wednesday my friend!

It’s 80 degrees, sunny, and the humidity is still pretty low, and I have to admit I’ve been hit with a severe case of Spring Fever! 🙂

I don’t really want to do much but be outside playing in this beautiful weather….

But, clearer heads are prevailing, and instead of being on the Pickleball courts, I’m hard at work on my next book.

It’s going to be a short, fun, read called “The World of Pickleball” and will actually be a companion to my just released word search, which is called…you guessed it…The World of Pickleball Word Search. 🙂

I had so much fun putting that book together, I realized I’d love to write more in-depth about the topic. Every day new things are happening in Pickleball, so I figured now is as good a time as ever to dig a little deeper and put it out into the world.

It’s so easy to pass by the great for the good, isn’t it?

It would be easy for me to get sidetracked by the spring weather, or a last-minute call to play, or even heading to the library to pick up a book I’ve been waiting for.

And although all of those are good things, the better thing is sticking to what I planned for myself to do today.

Because although that book may not get a Pulitzer (in fact I can pretty much guarantee it won’t!) it will be a great thing for me to put in effort for.

I know this book will be something that will add value to the world. Something I will use my own unique viewpoint in writing, which will make it unique in the marketplace.

So I’ll count working on that book as a “great” effort on my part for the day. And the more of that I can do, the better it will be for the world.

What do you have on your plate today? Maybe today your “great” will mean a walk in the park to enjoy the sunshine. Or a play date with your grandchild. Or doing that work you are certain God has called you to do, and doing it fully.

Whatever it is, I hope you are full of joy as you do it.

Because working towards great is where we will find our fullest joy.

Cheering you on!

Christy 🙂

P.S. If you want to see what I’m talking about, here’s a link to my latest release. And here’s a link to my devotional I released earlier this year…xoxo