
Making It Your Best Summer Yet

Making It Your Best Summer Yet

150 150 Christy

This week we are getting my 16-year-old ready to head off to Spain. It’s been so fun getting everything ready and he even let me take him clothes shopping! I’m doing the happy dance over here! 🙂

I was thinking of summers past, and all the child-focused activities that used to fill my days. Activities like swim lessons, YMCA camps, VBS and lazy days at the lake.

With the kiddos grown, those days are long gone, but I still want to have a fun summer.

We know that some summer fun happens by magic…but I’ve found, that unless I plan for it, it’s sometimes easier (and less fulfilling) to just sit down for a Netflix session after dinner rather than enjoy some experiences that would be much more fun and definitely more memorable.

So I’ve put together a list of 7 things not-to-be missed for us grownups, and I wanted to share them with you. Let me know if you do any of them, and how you liked it.

Summer Fun for You!

1. Visit a local museum.This is the kind of thing you might do when company comes to town, but I’d recommend you visit just because you can. Thankfully, even the smallest communities often have interesting museums, and this is just the time to take advantage of it.

2. Take in a local concert. When I lived in the Washington D.C. area, going to the free Sunday afternoon concerts at Constitution Hall was one of our family’s regular activities. I didn’t realize until l was grown how unique an opportunity it was to hear some of the great musicians of our time – and I’m quite thankful now. So this summer is a great time to look at who is coming to town, and go enjoy yourself.

3. Visit a local night market. I just love the fun and food that pop up all over our nation on weeknights in the summer. Once again, a time of listening to music, eating fun food, and relaxing in the summer glow while browsing local handmade arts is special and fun, and unique to the season.

4. Sign up for summer classes. Ever wanted to take a painting class, or learn how to calligraphy? Or how about flower arranging? Summer is a terrific time to try something new. Many local businesses offer summer classes, as do most Community park and recreation programs. Check out what’s on offer and jump in.

And speaking of jumping in.

5. Go swimming. Whether it’s your backyard pool, the neighborhood hot spot, or your local YMCA, find a pool and go swimming. It’s such a fun activity, and even if you’re just enjoying a good book along the side and popping in every 30 minutes or so to cool off, it’s still such a relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

Of course, I have to mention reading. 🙂

6. Try a new genre you normally don’t read. Are you a fiction person? Then try a biography or autobiography. Is Science Fiction your thing? Pick up a true crime book and see what you think. Romance all the way? Stretch yourself and grab one on self-improvement. You know I love to read, but I must admit, I usually only pick a few types of books. So I’m going to challenge myself to stretch and read something new.

7. Play a sport! Of course, I’m going to recommend Pickleball, which anyone can play no matter their age, size, or abilities. But there are other sports after all, and this summer is a perfect time to seek out a softball league, a volleyball pickup game, or dust off your tennis racquet and head for the courts. Nothing gets your mind moving like a fun game of sport.

There are so many different things I could add to this list, but this should be enough to get you started.

Don’t let work and tiredness cheat you out of having a really fun summer. With a little effort and forethought, this really could be your best summer ever.

Love ya and cheering you on,

Christy 🙂