
Eliminate to Improve

Eliminate to Improve

150 150 Christy

If you’re feeling stressed from all the current events happening, here’s some food for thought.

I get regular updates from The Center for Brain Health.

And one of their recent updates clarified something that for years, I had a sneaking suspicion about.

And that is the reality that the more we fill our minds with information, the slower and less effectively our minds are able to work.

In fact, the more we stuff our brain, rather than becoming empowered, we end up with:

–Shallower thinking

–Less logical thinking abilities


–An increase in poor decision making.

All of which we don’t want right now!

So instead, as you’re feeling overwhelmed, sad and probably frustrated, what will be more helpful is to limit and manage what you’re taking in.

I mean, I know Netflix is calling for your next binge-watch, but how do you feel after you’ve spent 8 hours watching? At least, that’s what I’ve heard some people do… 🙂 (ahem)

Instead, try these 3 tips:

1. Limit your exposure to the news. Rather than gorge on hours upon hours (and I know how easy that can be!) set a time that you will get your updates, and other than that, turn it off.

2. Be intentional with putting in uplifting and encouraging information, as well as taking time to just let your mind wander. Read a good book, or find a new cooking blog, or be inspired with a gardening channel. Any, or all, of these will lift you up and allow your brain to refresh, all without adding stress. A long walk in the early morning, or late afternoon is one of my favorite things to let myself have time to “reboot.” More of this please.

3. Finally, try to limit your discussions about Covid-19 and what’s happening right now. It’s too easy to make this current situation your sole focus – which spreads from Facetime chats to your dinner table conversation. Instead, talk about what you’re looking forward to after this is all over. The scientists tell us that when you train your brain to look forward with anticipation, (possibility thinking) you actually become more resourceful and flexible, and we all can use more of that.

Question: What are some of the things you use to help you stay in a positive frame of mind?