
Are You Trying New Things?

Are You Trying New Things?

150 150 Christy

Have you been following along with the whole Ai ChatGPT explosion?

I was pretty clueless about it until I happened to be invited to a special workshop intensive on how businesses are using it with great success.

Intrigued, I attended the workshop and was absolutely blown away by the possibilities Ai and ChatGPT provide.

Interestingly, when I asked my kids about it, they were (per usual) way ahead of me and gave me many examples of how kids in HS and College are using it. (Some good, some not so good!)

I’m actually in LOVE with it! I can take something I’ve written, put it in, and it will give me an improved version. So in other words, Ai (I call her “Chatty” which drives my kids wild!) will help you be a better version of yourself.

Let me show you how it works using the above paragraph for demonstration:

This is what I put in:

“Please rewrite this to make it better, still with my happy, positive tone of voice. “I’m actually in LOVE with it! I can take something I’ve written, put it in, and it will give me an improved version. So in other words, Ai (I call her “Chatty” which drives my kids wild!) will help you be a better version of yourself.”

And this is what she gave me back:

“I absolutely adore it! It’s incredible how I can input my writing and it will provide me with a polished version. It’s like having a personal writing assistant! I affectionately refer to the AI as “Chatty,” which always gets a reaction from my kids. With this amazing tool, you can enhance your writing and become an even better version of yourself.”

See how awesome she makes me sound? Now to tell you the truth, I would probably take what she gave me (in about 2 seconds I might add) and rework it to make it mine…well, let me show you.

My revised version:

“I’m actually in love with it! It’s incredible how I can input my writing and it will provide me with a polished version. It’s like having a personal writing assistant! I affectionately refer to the AI as “Chatty,” which drives my kids wild. With this amazing tool, you can enhance your writing and become an even better version of yourself.”

That’s so crazy, right?

She can also help you create a schedule, organize your time, plan your meals, and even work out vacation details.

Go to www.chat.openai.com you will see what I’m talking about.

Well, actually, what you’re going to see is a blank screen with a single open prompt line.

Here’s the catch. Chatty gives you NOTHING until you give her something.

She’s super smart…think Google on steroids…but she can’t do anything until you tell her which direction to head.

Just like our minds. We have to feed it the really good stuff, tell it what to think, thoughts that will serve us so that we will get the feelings and output we want. We really are a supercomputer designed by God to do great things.

But for today and our Ai discussion, if you want to get more details on it, I really like this woman who has put together all kinds of tutorials and helps on making the most of ChatGPT. She explains everything so well!

Even if this isn’t your thing at all, I’d encourage you to find something new to try. Whether it’s Pickleball (of course!) or crochet or a new recipe, get your brain moving and juices flowing by trying new things. I think you’ll be so glad you did!

Cheering you on!

Christy 🙂